Curriculum - Musikgarten

Musikgarten is the leader in early childhood music education - for children and teachers. It offers a complete multi-year educational program that helps infants, toddlers, and children develop a deep love of music and the ability to express it. With wonderful CDs of the songs sung in class, age-appropriate instruments, and parent guidebooks, home materials reinforce lessons and involve the whole family in the fun.

Family Music for Babies
(0 to 18 months)
Designed for parents and their babies to take together, these weekly classes help you learn how to play musically with your baby. Each class features bouncing and rocking songs, wiggle and peek-a-boo games, and other fun activities for the two of you.
(Duration: 30 mins, once a week)
*Fee: S$200 / 10 lessons (Family pack @ S$80 each.)

Family Music for Toddlers
(16 months - 4 years old)
These weekly classes are action-filled for toddlers - full of energy, often on the move, always exploring and learning - and their parents. Together you’ll sing, chant, move, dance, listen, and play simple instruments, all activities that bridge the natural connection between music and movement through four wonder-filled semesters. Each lesson features movement activities for coordination, body awareness and control, exploration of space, and  instruments such as    rhythm sticks, jingles, rattles, drums, and resonator bars.
(Duration: 30 mins, once a week)
*Fee: S$200 / 10 lessons (Family pack @ S$55 each)

Cycle of Seasons
(3.5 - 5.5 years old)
Celebrate your preschooler’s growing independence and love of the outdoors with activities involving the four seasons. Designed to build attention and self-expression, activities include singing, chanting, moving, focused listening, musical games, exploring musical instruments, creative movement and storytelling, this program nurtures your growing child’s ability to use language and participate in dramatic play within a musical context.
 (Duration: 45 mins, once a week)
                                           *Fee: S$200 / 10 lessons; Family Pack @ S$70 each)

*Fees indicated are for home-based studio only.